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Devine Memories Photography

Mureena Ballard Jarvis
000 Pinehill Ln Grand Prairie, TX 75052
  • p: (214) 455-3262
Mureena's distinguished career has elevated her to the highest level in the industry. She has the same goal on each project-perfection. And she's not satisfied until she reaches that objective. Her clients and peers all agrees, Mureena puts exceptional effort into every shot, whether it's for a Fortune 500 client, or a gratis photo she's shooting for a charitable organization. To Mureena, every photograph reflects her reputation. Her eye for styling, color, composition and lighting is as highly developed as her love for what she does. Mureena believes, "What I do a living is FUN! that's what I like to bring to my shoots!" Working with different people, understanding their desires, and creating a personal phptp shoot with digital imagery is her goal. Creating something beyond their exceptions has been a wonderful experience time and time again. As a born again Christian, I enjoy being able to use the talents God has blessed me with and enable me to work with so many unigue individuals. I love shooting portraits and consequently, view each one as a unique personal project rather than a job. Mureena is a member of the PPA and TPPA. She has been voted Best Photographer for 2008 and 2009 by Photo Laureates. In 2008, Mureena earned her certification in Photography from the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas. to schedule your free consultation please contact us at : 214-455-3262
Professional Associations
National Press Photographers Association Professional Photographers of America Senior Photographers International
Photographic Specializations Black & White, Children, Church, Event, Fashion/Glamour, Parties & Events, People/Lifestyle, Portrait, Weddings.